Customer Support - Jim Pierce, Computer Repair Morgan City
Before you post ticket through our Support Ticket System please review our FAQ content below.
New Live Chat will be available soon, please check back often.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I check my email online?
How do I check my spam folder online for missing email?
My email is not working, how can I tell if the problem is on my end or yours?
I need to have my email password reset, new email address added or deleted or report a problem with my site or email.
How do I setup an email account in Outlook?
How do I setup an email acount in Outlook Express?
What information do I need to setup my email account in Outlook, Outlook Express or other email client?
All of a sudden I stopped receiving emails. I can send but not receive and I don't get an error message.
How many email accounts do I get with a hosting account?
I have used all of my available email accounts, can I get more?
Is spam filtering available with my account?
Is there a limit on the size of email attachments?
How much disk space is included with email plans?
How do I check my email online?
You can go to and click on the webmail tab at the top of the page or
click here
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How do I check my spam folder online for missing email?
Go to
or replace with your domain name.
DO NOT USE "WWW" in front of it. Click on the link I provided or make sure you type it
into your browser exactly how you see it here.
Once there login using your email address and password.
You will be brought to your mail screen.
Click on the folder named "SPAM" on the left side toward the bottom of that section.
If you do not see the "SPAM" folder click on the "+" sign to the left of the word mail on the
left and the list should expand further down so you can see the "SPAM" folder.
If you do not see that folder, email me at and I will
modify your settings in webmail so it will expand the list. Click here
for a step by step illustration to follow after you login.
NOTE: There are 2 places that say spam on the left side.
The one you want is the one in all caps "SPAM" toward the bottom, not the one toward the top.
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My email is not working, how can I tell if the problem is on my end or yours?
Please login to your email account thru the
webmail online page.
If you can log in there and you can send and receive from there,
then my server is working and the problem is most likely on your end.
If you have checked everything on your end or you are unsure how to,
please go to and create a ticket with the details of your problem and I can check it for you.
Be sure to copy and paste and error message or code you may be getting.
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I need to have my email password reset, new email address added or deleted or report a problem with my site or email.
You can go to and create a new ticket and include the
email address that you want reset and a phone number you can be reached so I
can verify your identity and get your new password from you.
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How do I setup an email account in Outlook?
Here is a link to a Microsoft article that shows you step by step instructions
for each version of Outlook you may have, Click Here
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How do I setup an email acount in Outlook Express?
Here is a link to a Microsoft article that shows you step by step instructions for Outlook Express,
Click Here
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What information do I need to setup my email account in Outlook, Outlook Express or other email client?
You will need the following:
Account or Username: this is your entire email address, This question is usually just before the password blank
Incoming Mail Server:
Outgoing Mail Server: This is provided by your internet provider. These are a few common ones
Allens Tv Cable
Cox Internet
AT&T: (requires authentication checked) Outgoing mail port # 465, secure connection (SSL) checked
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All of a sudden I stopped receiving emails. I can send but not receive and I don't get an error message.
The most likely cause is being over your alloted mail quota amount.
Every email account has a size limit and you may be over yours.
When this happens you stop receiving email until you delete some un-needed messages from the server.
To do this, login to
and put a check mark on any unwanted emails and click on delete.
Be sure after you delete them to click on purge deleted in the top right side of the mail section afterwards.
The email is not removed from the server until you purge it.
If you are sure that all the email on the server (webmail) is mail that you need to keep,
please fill out a support ticket and in it, request to have your mail quota raised.
If you are using a mail client such as Outlook or Outlook Express, you can look in the advance
settings where it has an option for leaving a copy of messages on server.
If it is checked, you can either remove the check or reduce the number of days it is left on the server.
Typically it shouldn't need to be set higher than 10 days.
If you don't ever check your mail on another computer then in most cases it does not have to be checked at all.
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How many email accounts do I get with a hosting account?
A standard business hosting account includes 10 pop3 or Imap email accounts with free webmail access at
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I have used all of my available email accounts, can I get more?
Yes, they are available for purchase in blocks of 5 per year, please call me to discuss pricing.
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Is spam filtering available with my account?
Yes, we use Spam Assassin for our spam filtering. It can be turned on per email account if
requested when we setup the account on the server or upon request by creating a
support ticket.
Once activated, the settings can be configured by you thru webmail access by going to the spam settings link menu at the top.
SpamAssassin is an intelligent email filter which uses a diverse range of tests to identify unsolicited bulk email.
These tests are applied to email headers and content to classify email using advanced statistical methods.
Note: Whitelist / blacklist preferences always take precedence over SpamAssassin settings. Higher sensitivity increases your risk of legitimate mail being misclassified as spam.
If an email gets misclassified as spam, you can always retrieve it from your spam folder by logging into your webmail account to view the spam folder and it's content.
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Is there a limit on the size of email attachments?
Yes. Accounts have an outgoing size limit of 25 MB.
This includes the message and any attachments it may have.
However, we recommend you not send attachments over 8 MB through email because other
Internet service providers (ISPs) may not be able to accommodate them.
Other alternatives are available for sending files, such as FTP.
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How much disk space is included with email plans?
Your disk space will vary based on the plan you selected.
All features on your account share the same disk space available in your plan.
This includes your web files, your users email and databases.
Therefore, the amount of disk space for your email is dependent on the amount of space that you are currently using for other features,
such as the size of the website content and the size of databases on the account.
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